Table of Contents


 Near Stars



United Americas (UA) :: Wolf Point/Montana :: San Diego/California :: Houston/Texas :: Ontario/Canada
United Kingdom (UK) :: Borehamwood/Herts :: Suffolk :: London
European Union (EU)
Antarctica Traffic Control
DAC Racing Circuit
Osaka Solar Energy Plant
Iranistan War Zone


Olympia/Luna-UA :: Plymouth/Luna-UA
Lunar Quarantine Facility
Farside :: Mach Crater :: Kulik Crater :: Leipnitz Crater :: Icarus Crater


Titan :: Weylan-Yutani Medical Facility :: Weylan-Yutani Fusion Reactor Facility


United Americas Accelerator Threshold

Educational Institutions

Mercerton Flight Academy
Weatherly Private School
Gunning Foss Military School
Bryce-Watkins Medical University
Wellington Academy
Evansbrook Academy
Horizon Beyond Officer Training Programme
Ridton Corp Astro-Cartography Dept.
San Diego School of Astro-Engineering
Houston School of Astrophysics and Interstellar Engineering

Medical Institutions

Ridton Medical Facility/London
Weylan-Yutani Medical Facility/Titan


Liberty Echo
Torin Prime
Drydock Bravo/Thedus
Outer Rim Territories
Mars-Orion Route
Skyfire Down :: UAORD base :: Concentration Camp GR-161

Aliens Adventure Game

Earth (Major World)
:: Borodino Sector Garrison
:: Hyperdyne Sector Garrison
:: New Eden Sector Garrison
:: Micor Sector Garrison
:: CSC Sector Garrison

Borodino Sector
:: Acheron (Terraforming and/or Mining) 1)
:: Aerodyne (Colony)
:: Arcturus (Terraforming and/or Mining) - inhabited by Arcturians :: Arcturus Loop 2)
:: Chitin (Colony)
:: Eyesore (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Grandhi (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Nimbus (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Pandora (Colony)
:: Thedus 3)

CSC Sector
:: Alexandria (Major World) - inhabited by Hyper-Algae
:: Crestus Prime (Garrison)
:: Crestus Alpha (Garrison)
:: Crestus Beta (Garrison)
:: Crestus Gamma (Garrison)
:: Crestus Delta (Garrison)
:: Crysalis (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Dust Ball (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Goliath (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Keystone (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Paragon (Colony)
:: Reisling (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Saint John (Terraforming and/or Mining) - inhabited by Blackbody Coral and Morphers
:: Starview (Colony)
:: Stoner 1 (Colony)
:: Ventix (Colony)
:: Volcus (Colony)

Hyperdyne Sector 4)
:: Atlas (Colony)
:: Byal (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Cryosphere (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Cyclone (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Hilo (Major World)
:: Marduk (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: New Chicago (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Noble Ore (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Shinon (Colony)
:: Stratus (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Transept (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Weyland-Yutani (Colony) 5)

Micor Sector
:: Alamar (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Argos (Colony)
:: Astyanax (Terraforming and/or Mining) - inhabited by Brachous Slugs
:: Byrons Hope (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Feldspar (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Lobo (Colony)
:: Micor (Major World)
:: Morningstar (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Pestron (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Summit (Colony)
:: West Star (Terraforming and/or Mining)

New Eden Sector
:: Atol (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Ajax (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Cyrus] (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Exeter (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Grendel (Colony)
:: Helix (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Honeycomb (Colony)
:: Medusa (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Morning Glory (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: New Eden (Major World) - Starguild's first habitable colony world
:: Panamar (Terraforming and/or Mining) - inhabited by Panamar Plankton
:: Polar Star (Terraforming and/or Mining)

Tartarus Sector
:: Deadfall (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Devils Peak (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Scorcher (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Tartarus (Major World) - inhabitated by Harvesters
:: Temple (Terraforming and/or Mining)
:: Twilight (Terraforming and/or Mining)

Atlas of the Middle Heavens

All distances in parsecs (3.26ly) to stars within 15pc (50ly)

Three Worlds Empire

3WE 18 Epsilon Eridani
3WE 8 Delta Trianguli - New Albion 6)
3WE Alpha Linna Linna 349 pg264 Gl 300
3WE Arceon Station Gl 259
3WE Aurore 510 Redlake ASF Base Rigel Kentaurus A
3WE B54C Toliman Rigel Kentaurus B
3WE Barnard s Star
3WE Delos Gl 537 B 7)
3WE Delos Gl 537 8)
3WE Former site New Earth Colony Gl 370
3WE Helene 215 Happy Days Base 82 Eridani
3WE HR6060-G 18 Scorpii
3WE Iota Persei - Iota Persei III 9)
3WE Jon Eve Station Proxima Centauri
3WE Kapteyn s Star
3WE Keystone GJ 1128 10)
3WE Lobo Wo359 Gl 406 11)
3WE Luther Colony GJ 1253
3WE LV-8215 NN 3892
3WE Montinea Gl 447
3WE Morningstar Gl 693 12)
3WE New Chicago Ross 154 Gl 729 13)
3WE Oryza Lalande 21185
3WE Red Rock Gl 251
3WE Ross 128 Gl 447
3WE Sirius
3WE Soulages Gl 213
3WE Unity City Coronado Colony Gedda GJ581 BD-07 4003

Far Spinward Colonies

Far Spinward KOI-323.08 Platte 14)
Far Spinward KOI-610.01 May Outpost 15)
Far Spinward KOI-723.06 Kareti 16)
Far Spinward KOI-784.01 Dylan City 17)
Far Spinward KOI-817.01 Brahm s Outpost 18)
Far Spinward KOI-947.01 Pelican Colony 19)
Far Spinward KOI-1361.01 Blue Jay Colony 20)
Far Spinward KOI-1404.01 Archimedes 21)
Far Spinward KOI-1430.03 Ute Colony 22)
Far Spinward KOI-1686.01 Nightingale Colony 23)
Far Spinward KOI-1739.01 July Outpost 24)
Far Spinward KOI-1938.01 Sanchez Outpost 25)
Far Spinward KOI-2020.01 January Outpost 26)
Far Spinward KOI-2290.01 Capelli Colony 27)
Far Spinward KOI-2418.01 Curzic Outpost 28)
Far Spinward KOI-2469.01 October Outpost 29)
Far Spinward KOI-2650.01 Gorham s Colony 30)
Far Spinward KOI-2770.01 Izvinite Outpost 31)

The Frontier

Frontier 23 Delta Eridani
Frontier 49 Delta Capricorni
Frontier 8 Beta Canum Venaticorum - Chara LV-187 32)
Frontier Anchorpoint Station GJ 2066
Frontier Argos GJ 2034
Frontier Astyanax NN 3614 33)
Frontier Atlas GJ 2092 34)
Frontier Badayaga LV-991 GJ 1232
Frontier Byron s Hope ZKH-341 GJ 1277 35)
Frontier Chitin GJ 1224 36)
Frontier Cryosphere GL481 BD 16 2404 37)
Frontier Cyclone Wo 9724 38)
Frontier Delorme GL 285 YZ Canis Minoris
Frontier DT Virginis
Frontier Fomalhaut
Frontier Former site LV-44-40 Zeta Doradus
Frontier Honeycomb GJ 1156 39)
Frontier Khadaji Lebanon II pg266 Gl 223.2
Frontier KL7 Sungun Station HIP67090 Gl 525
Frontier Kuliki Gl 146
Frontier LK-176 NN 3789
Frontier LV-7324 Gl 609
Frontier LV-8156 GL 649 BD 25 3173
Frontier LV-871 Gl 469
Frontier LV-895 HIP53020 Gl 402
Frontier Noble Ore HD196982 AT Microscopii 40)
Frontier O Bannon s World NN 4274
Frontier Pestron NN 3403 41)
Frontier Plymouth GL747B Gl 747 B
Frontier Plymouth GL747B Gl 747
Frontier Polar Star GL471 BD 09 2636 42)
Frontier Sahara Grandhi GJ1230AB GJ 1230 B
Frontier Sahara Grandhi GJ1230AB GJ 1230
Frontier Sargon IV GL754.1B Gl 754.1B
Frontier Sargon IV GL754.1B Gl 754.1
Frontier Sargon IV GL754.1B Gl 754
Frontier Skyfire Down Ross 619 Gl 299
Frontier Station 949 Gl 268 BD 27 1348 - DS Service Terminal Station 949 43)
Frontier Station 949 Gl 268 - DS Service Terminal Station 949 44)
Frontier Stratus Alto VII GJ 1256 45)
Frontier Symbaris GJ 1265
Frontier Temple GL382 BD-03 2870 46)
Frontier Terraform 3 pg269 13 Gamma Leporis
Frontier Tientsin pg261 8 Eta Bootis A II
Frontier Transept GJ 2005 47)
Frontier Traon 268 G. Ceti Gl 105 B - Traon Mining Facility 48)
Frontier Traon 268 G. Ceti Gl 105 - Traon Mining Facility 49)
Frontier Twilight Gl 902 50)
Frontier West Star NN 3490 B 51)
Frontier Zagreus NN 3637

Independent Core System Colonies

ICSC Aerodyne Chalmer-3 GL783B Gl 783 B 52)
ICSC Aerodyne Chalmer-3 GL783B Gl 783 53)
ICSC Celeste Asteroid GJ382 Gl 832
ICSC Crysalis GL473A FL Virginis A 54)
ICSC Crysalis GL473A FL Virginis B 55)
ICSC Exeter Gl 563.2 56)
ICSC Fantasia Hip 82725
ICSC Goliath NN 3622 57)
ICSC Grendel NN 4285 58)
ICSC Hilo GJ674 Gl 674 59)
ICSC Marduk GJ 682 Gl 682 60)
ICSC New Eden JV Epsilon Indi 61)
ICSC Paragon Gl 440 62)
ICSC Saint John Gl 588 63)
ICSC Starview Gl 1 64)
ICSC Ventix Gl 563.2B 65)

United Americas

UA 29 Gamma Virginis
UA 43 Beta Comae Berenices
UA Ajax GL488 BD 00 2989 66)
UA Alpha Mensae Gl 231.3
UA Alpha Mensae
UA Alphatech Research Station 2378 HD122303 BD-01 2892
UA Altair
UA Arcadian Asteroid Belt 289 G. Hydrae Gl 432 B
UA Arcadian Asteroid Belt 289 G. Hydrae Gl 432
UA Arcturus Alpha Bootis
UA Bernice 378 Tithonus Mt ASF Base Mu Herculis A III 86 Mu Herculis
UA Beta Hydri
UA Bracken s World Joilet Gliese 326-3837 pg261 Gl 326 B
UA Bracken s World Joilet Gliese 326-3837 pg261 Gl 326
UA Calpamos LV-223 LV426 Acheron Kathar Station pg271 Zeta 2 Reticuli
UA Deadfall GJ1103B GJ 1103 67)
UA Deadfall GJ 1103 B 68)
UA Devils Peak NN 3325 69)
UA Eyesore GL879 TW Piscis Austrini 70)
UA Feldspar Gl 514.1 71)
UA Ferro GJ 1123
UA Former site of Mendel Station HIP 51317 BD 01 2447
UA Fort Nebraska Kr ger 60
UA Gamma Pavonis
UA Georgia 525 Chinook 91 Station 70 Ophiuchi
UA Georgia 525 Chinook 91 Station Gl 702 B
UA Gl 785
UA GL791.2 HU Delphini
UA Haarsa GL568A Gl 568 B
UA Haarsa GL568A Gl 568
UA KG-348 Former Site Sevastapol pg271 Zeta 1 Reticuli
UA LB-329 Kellerat GL 514 BD 11 2576
UA LB-329 Kellerat GL 514 Gl 514.1
UA Leibnitz Gl 269 B
UA Leibnitz HD57095 Gl 269
UA Levon Colony Dante Colony Morrison Outpost GJ667 Gl 667
UA Liberty Echo Gl 408
UA LTT-4167 RWL-1289 GL422 Innes Star
UA LTT-4167 RWL-1289 Innes Star Gl 422
UA LV-229 Gl 293
UA LV-2824 GJ 1001
UA LV-422 GJ 1154
UA LV-666 27 Lambda Serpentis
UA LV-KR 115 Nu Phoenicis
UA Mach Gl 364
UA Micor Gl 915 72)
UA Morning Glory Gl 493.1 73)
UA New Galveston LV-178 Gl 479
UA Nivalis-4 HR7722 Gl 785
UA Pandora GL849 BD-05 5715 74)
UA Riesling GL454 BD-09 3413 75)
UA Solano Gl 884
UA Stoner-1 Gl 688 BD 03 3465 76)
UA Sullivan 9 NN 3049
UA Summit 61 Virginis 77)
UA Surier 430 Kuat ASF Base Delta Pavonis
UA Sutters World 111 Tauri
UA Tartarus LV-797 Gl 257 B 78)
UA Tartarus LV-797 Gl 257 79)
UA Taurus 7 Gl 595
UA Thesties Clytemnestra Pollux
UA Torin Prime GJ229A pg264 BD-21 1377
UA Zeta Tucanae


Unaffiliated 13 Theta Persei - LV-139 80)
Unaffiliated 15 Lambda Aurigae
Unaffiliated 16 Eta Leporis
Unaffiliated 17 Iota Piscium
Unaffiliated 19 Draconis
Unaffiliated 1 Tau 1 Eridani
Unaffiliated 23 Psi Serpentis
Unaffiliated 23 Theta Bootis
Unaffiliated 24 Iota Pegasi
Unaffiliated 25 Theta Ursae Majoris
Unaffiliated 42 Alpha Comae Berenices
Unaffiliated 47 Ursae Majoris
Unaffiliated 50 Upsilon Andromedae - Saffar Samh Majriti Dybbuk DMSO Joe One Two Three 81)
Unaffiliated 55 Rho 1 Cancri
Unaffiliated 5 Beta Virginis
Unaffiliated 60 Beta Aquilae
Unaffiliated 62 G Scorpii A Gl 620.1
Unaffiliated 96 Kappa 1 Ceti
Unaffiliated Alderamin Alderamin
Unaffiliated Alpha Fornacis
Unaffiliated Alpha I HR3259 BD-12 2449
Unaffiliated Beta Trianguli Australis
Unaffiliated Capella Aa Ab H L Alpha Aurigae
Unaffiliated CC Eridani
Unaffiliated Chione 10 Tauri
Unaffiliated DO Cephei
Unaffiliated Denebola
Unaffiliated GJ180 Gl 180
Unaffiliated Groombridge 1830
Unaffiliated LV-1113 GJ 685 26 Draconis
Unaffiliated Mu Arae
Unaffiliated Panamar NN3119.3B NN 3119 82)
Unaffiliated Rasalhague
Unaffiliated Rim GJ 1105 - Rim Colony, Pype's Dream 83)
Unaffiliated Ross 627 Gl 427
Unaffiliated SZ Ursae Majoris - Suzie 2 Selene 84)
Unaffiliated Zeta Trianguli Australis

Union of Progressive Peoples

UPP 24 Eta Cassiopeiae
UPP 30 Mu Cassiopeiae
UPP 37 Xi Bootis
UPP 40 Zeta Herculis
UPP 61 Cygni A
UPP 61 Cygni B
UPP Avozka Sector Base 40 Eridani B
UPP Donovoy Base GJ 1276
UPP GJ 1187 - Shanmen 85)
UPP GJ625 Gl 625
UPP GJ 687 Gl 687
UPP Groombridge 1618
UPP Groombridge 34 GQ Andromedae
UPP Groombridge 34 GX Andromedae
UPP HD219134 Gl 892
UPP Kawlang GJ 1227 86)
UPP Lacerta NN 4053
UPP Luyten s Star
UPP Nene 246 Ezell ASF Base 52 Tau Ceti
UPP New Kiev MSS Sector HQ Gl 643
UPP Perdition LHS-26 BD 21 652
UPP Perdition LHS-26 Gl 169.1B
UPP Perdition LHS-26 Gl 169.1
UPP Procyon
UPP Qi Xi III GL 519 BD 36 2393
UPP Van Maanen s Star
UPP Vega
UPP Xiwang Colony Chiu Outpost Wan An Outpost

▲ Return to Top, Near Stars, or Locations

1) , 2) , 3) , 4) , 5)
6) , 7) , 8) , 9) , 14) , 15) , 16) , 17) , 18) , 19) , 20) , 21) , 22) , 23) , 24) , 25) , 26) , 27) , 28) , 29) , 30) , 31) , 32) , 43) , 44) , 48) , 49) , 80) , 81) , 83) , 84) , 85) , 86)
Building Better Worlds
10) , 11) , 12) , 13) , 33) , 34) , 35) , 36) , 37) , 38) , 39) , 40) , 41) , 42) , 45) , 46) , 47) , 50) , 51) , 52) , 53) , 54) , 55) , 56) , 57) , 58) , 59) , 60) , 61) , 62) , 63) , 64) , 65) , 66) , 67) , 68) , 69) , 70) , 71) , 72) , 73) , 74) , 75) , 76) , 77) , 78) , 79) , 82)
ALIENS Adventure Game