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The Near Heavens Weylan-Yutani Corporation is the premier shipping barge operator in space, transporting bulk liquid products throughout the solar system, the colonies and outer territories. Weylan-Yutani's service includes the transporting of petrochemicals, pressurized products, refined petroleum products and agricultural chemical products. Weylan-Yutani also owns and operates interstellar barge and tug units transporting commodities in all-territories trade.

Through interstellar and system drive service segments, Weylan-Yutani is the leading after-market service provider for medium-speed interstellar and high-speed in-system drives, space-frames and ancillary products for interstellar drive and power generation applications.

Weylan-Yutani also serves as a distributor and service provider for high-speed engines, transmissions, pumps and compression products, and manufactures space-frame fittings, components, and equipment including life systems and automation support for the aerospace markets.

Parsecs separate Humanity's homeworlds from the riches of deep space and Weylan-Yutani is the only operator offering distribution throughout the solar system, the colonies, and the developing territories beyond the outer rim.

  • top.1658708732.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/07/24 19:25
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