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Asteroid, Deep Space, Orbital Stations

  • Comet / Gas / Plasma Mining
  • Communications
  • Defense
  • Navigation
  • Research
  • Transit
  • Transit

Asteroid, Comet, Moon, and Planetary Colonies and Outposts

  • Resource Mining
  • Terraforming

Colony and Outpost Buildings

  • Advertising
  • Aerospace Traffic Control
  • Agridome (Trees?)
  • Aircraft
  • Air Resort
  • Air Service
  • Air Traffic Control
  • Altar / Shrine
  • Amphitheater
  • Amusement Park
  • Apartment Block
  • Aquarium
  • Aqueduct
  • Archive (native)
  • Archive (urban)
  • Arena
  • Arsenal
  • Art Gallery
  • Assembly
  • Astronomy
  • Backpacking
  • Back To Nature
  • Bakery
  • Banking
  • Bank (offworld)
  • Bank (planetary)
  • Bar
  • Bar, Cocktail
  • Barracks
  • Bathhouse
  • Beach Houses
  • Beauty Farm
  • Blast Furnace
  • Blockhouses (Defensive)
  • BM Prison
  • Boarding School
  • Bondsmen Court
  • Botanical Park
  • Brewery
  • Brick Kiln
  • Brothel
  • BrutalVision
  • Bungalow
  • Campsite
  • Carnivals and Circuses (Offworld)
  • Casino (Common)
  • Casino (Luxury)
  • Catering
  • Chemcal Civil
  • Chemical Ind.
  • Chemical Indust.
  • Chemicals Civil
  • Chemical Syn.
  • Chem Synthesis
  • Chicken coop
  • Chickenhouse
  • Child Care Camp
  • Church
  • Cinema
  • Cistern
  • Citadel
  • City Hall
  • Clerical Records
  • Clinic
  • Clothing
  • Club, Dance/Disco
  • Club, Music/Performance Venue
  • Club, Night
  • Club, Sports
  • Club, Sports Betting
  • Coating Process
  • College
  • Command Center, Main
  • Command Center, Robot / Telepresence
  • Commercial Cargo
  • Common Ore Mine
  • Common Ore Smelter
  • Communications
  • Communications Tower
  • Computer Equip
  • Computer Parts
  • Concert Hall / Opera House
  • Condominium
  • Construction
  • Construction Eq
  • Construction Mat.
  • Construction Yard
  • Consulate
  • Consumer Goods
  • Corp Hideaway
  • Courthouse
  • Cranes (Starport?)
  • Creche
  • Cross Country Ski
  • Crowd Control
  • Crystal Processing Station
  • Data Center (offworld)
  • Data Center (Planetary)
  • Daycare
  • Deep Sea Fishing
  • Department Store
  • Dinopark
  • Disaster Response
  • Dormitory
  • Dumpster
  • Duplex
  • Elect Instruments
  • Electric Grid
  • Electric Grid, Recharge Pillar
  • Electricity Grid
  • Electric Parts
  • Electric Power
  • Electronic Parts
  • Embassy
  • Entertainment Live
  • Entertainment Video
  • Equestrian
  • Escort/Security
  • Espionage
  • Execuserve
  • Factory, Aerospace
  • Factory, Consumer Goods
  • Factory, Ground Vehicle
  • Factory, Robotics
  • Factory, Structure (Offworld)
  • Factory, Structure (Planetary)
  • Factory, Survival Goods
  • Factory, Weapon
  • Farming
  • Fat Farm
  • Fire Station
  • Fishing/Seafood
  • Floating Bar
  • Floristry
  • Folly
  • Food Court
  • Food Processing
  • Forum (Gym, Theater in the Round, etc) - configurable
  • Foundry
  • Fuels
  • Fusion Reactor
  • Gambling
  • Garage
  • Garrison
  • Garrison BM
  • General Store
  • Genetics
  • Geothermal Power
  • Glacier Climbing
  • Greenhouse
  • Greenhouse (Autohydroponic)
  • Hangar (Aircraft)
  • Hangar (Spacecraft)
  • Health Spa
  • Historic Moments
  • Homeless Shelter
  • Hospital (Medium Tech)
  • Hostel
  • Hotel
  • Hotel Lodging
  • House
  • Housewares
  • Hunting
  • Hunting Lodge
  • Hypermarket
  • Ice Riggers
  • Immunology
  • Imports (Recreatn)
  • Imports (Retail)
  • Interstellar Comm
  • ISS HQ
  • Jail
  • Jungle Gym
  • Kiln
  • Laboratory (Advanced)
  • Laboratory (Basic)
  • Lase Equipment
  • Lase Technology
  • Law Enforcement
  • Legal Services
  • Legislative (Interstellar)
  • Legislative (Planetary)
  • Leisure
  • Library (offworld)
  • Library (planetary)
  • Lockdown Brig
  • Lumber/Paper
  • Lumber (raw)
  • Machining
  • Market hall
  • Mass Teleport
  • Meat Packing
  • Meat/Poultry
  • Mechanical Parts
  • Medical Aid
  • Medical Center (Hospital + Professional Building)
  • Medical Chem.
  • Medical Equip.
  • Medical Supplies
  • Medical Supply
  • Meeting house/hall
  • Mercenary
  • Metal Foundry
  • Metals (Special)
  • Metals (Specialty)
  • Meteor Defense
  • Micro Machining
  • Microwave Rectenna
  • Military Base
  • Mineral Springs
  • Minimarket
  • Mining SC Metal
  • Mining Uranium
  • Mister Beak's
  • Mobile Home
  • Monastery (offworld order)
  • Monument
  • Moot Hall
  • Museum
  • Natural Gas
  • Nature Retreat
  • Nature Studies
  • Naval Resort
  • Naval Service
  • Neurology
  • Nina's Pickup Bar
  • Nursery / Creche
  • Nursing Home
  • Observatory
  • Office Building (Offworld)
  • Office Building (Planetary)
  • Optical Equip.
  • ORCA Ops.
  • ORCA Testing
  • Orphanage
  • Paper Products
  • Park
  • Parking Garage
  • Pavilion / Gazebo
  • Performing Arts
  • Petroleum
  • Petroleum Exp
  • Petroleum Ref.
  • Petrol Refining
  • Pigpen
  • Plant Nursery
  • Plastics
  • Police Station (Interstellar)
  • Police Station (Planetary)
  • Polo Club
  • Portable Building
  • Post Office
  • Power Generator
  • Power Receivers
  • Power Relay
  • Power Units
  • Precipitators
  • PrimaryFunction
  • Prison (Holding for Transport)
  • Produce
  • Professional Building (Offworld)
  • PRS Clerical
  • PRS Storage Yard
  • Pwr Gen Site
  • Radar Tech.
  • Rare Ore Mine
  • Rare Ore Smelter
  • Recreation Hall
  • Recycling (Offworld)
  • Recycling (Planetary)
  • Refugee Camp
  • Rehabilitation
  • Repair shop
  • Research Lab
  • Residential
  • Resort Air
  • Resort Land
  • Resort Sea
  • Restaurant
  • Retreat
  • River Rafting
  • Rock Climbing
  • RV Park
  • Satellite Dish
  • School
  • SC & LC Prison
  • Self Quest
  • Sentry Tower (Automatic)
  • Sentry Towers
  • Shelter (Storm)
  • Shipping Container
  • Shipyard
  • Shop, Computer
  • Shop, Curiosity
  • Shop, Music
  • Shopping Mall
  • Shops
  • Shop, Sports and Leisure
  • Shop, Weapons and Armor
  • Skiing
  • Smuggler Hall
  • Space Cargo
  • Space Launch
  • Spaceport
  • Space Tracking
  • Spelunking
  • Spider Holes
  • Sporting Events
  • Sporting Goods
  • Stable
  • Stadium
  • Storage, Common Ore
  • Storage, Rare Ore
  • Storage Tanks (aircraft fuel?)
  • Storage Tanks (Airport?) / Tank Farm
  • Supermarket
  • Synthetics
  • Tank Farm
  • Temple
  • Tennis and Golf
  • Tent
  • Test Equipment
  • Textiles
  • Tiny Home
  • Tooling (Large)
  • Tooling (Small)
  • Townhouse
  • Trade Center (Offworld)
  • Train Station
  • Utility Parts
  • Vehicle fueling
  • Vehicle maintenance and detailing
  • Vehicles
  • Veternarian
  • Villa
  • Warehouse (Import/Export)
  • Warehouse (local)
  • Waste Control
  • Weather Monitoring (Orbital)
  • Weather Monitoring (Planetary)
  • Well House
  • Wet Market
  • Wind/Solar Power Array Station
  • Workshop
  • Writer's Guild
  • Zoo


structures.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 19:23 by robert