1979 ALIEN by Ridley Scott and 20th Century Fox

1980 Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society #4: The Bestiary: Reticulan Parasite by Chuck Kallenbach III

1981 SpaceGamer 37: Playing the Alien for Traveller & D&D by Andrew Elovich and Forrest Johnson

1991 ALIENS Adventure Game and Living Steel by Leading Edge Games

1993 Amazing Engine: Bughunters by TSR

1999 Timeline Easter Egg from the ALIEN 20th Anniversary Collector DVD

2001 D20 Modern adaptation by Dan McCallister

2002 Alien Fuzion 3.0 by Chris Dias and the Fuzion Group

2003 ALIENS: Game Over D20 3.0 adaptation by Michael Tresca

2007 Star Frontiersman #5: Xenomorphs by Madin Jackson

2014 ALIEN: Isolation Copyright 2014 by 20th Century Fox, Creative Assembly, and Sega

2015 ALIEN: Isolation Steam Community map post by Delmont

2017 HOSTILE: Alien Breeds by Zozer Games

2018 Xenomorph (5e Race) by the contributors of the D&D Wiki

2019 Outworld by Zozer Games

2019 ALIEN: The Blueprints by Graham J. Langridge

2019 Year Zero Engine (OGL) standard reference document used in the ALIEN RPG by Fria Ligan

2019 Index of the ALIEN RPG by Fria Ligan

2020 Canon Lists from Defining Canon in an Alien World by Andrew E.C. Gaska

2023 Year Zero Engine 1.0 (FTL) updated standard reference document used in the ALIEN RPG by Fria Ligan is not endorsed by or affiliated with 20th Century Fox, Chuck Kallenbach III, Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society (JTAS), Andrew Elovich, Forrest Johnson, SpaceGamer, Leading Edge Games, TSR, Chris Dias, The Fuzion Group, Dan McCallister, R. Talsorian Games, Michael Tresca, Hero Games, Star Frontiersman, Madin Jackson, Creative Assembly, Sega, Steam, Delmont, Zozer Games, Graham Langridge, Fria Ligan, or Andrew E.C. Gaska.

  • references.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/25 22:58
  • by robert