====== INDEX ====== ===== A ===== [[Acid Splash]] 302 \\ [[Actions]] 86 \\ [[Active Enemy]] 85 \\ [[Aerial Vehicles]] 115 \\ [[Aerodyne Light VTOL Automotive Gyrocar]] 143 \\ [[Agility (Attribute)]] 27 \\ [[Aiming (Combat)]] 94 \\ [[Ambush]] 90 \\ [[Ammunition]] 96 \\ [[Analysis (Talent)]] 77 \\ [[Anchorpoint Station]] 156 \\ [[Androids]] 29, 111 \\ [[Anesidora, USCSS]] 180 \\ [[Animals]] 323 \\ [[A.P.O.L.L.O.]] 130 \\ [[Approach Velocity]] 189 \\ [[Arceon Station]] 157 \\ [[Armaments]] 176 \\ [[Armor]] 98 \\ [[Armor (Gear)]] 128 \\ [[Armor (Space Combat)]] 197 \\ [[Armor (Vehicle)]] 114 \\ [[ASAT Missiles]] 176 \\ [[Atmosphere (Planet)]] 332 \\ [[Atmospheric Entry]] 167 \\ [[Attributes]] 27 \\ [[Authority (Talent)]] 74 \\ [[AutoDoc]] 136 \\ ===== B ===== [[Banter (Talent)]] 74 \\ [[Bao Sau Sector]] 258 \\ [[Base Dice]] 22 \\ [[Beneath Notice (Talent)]] 75 \\ [[Billy's Bar]] 381 \\ [[Bishop, Michael]] 238 \\ [[Blocking]] 92 \\ [[Bodyguard (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Borodino Sector]] 260 \\ [[Bourne, Mallory]] 367 \\ [[Breakthrough (Talent)]] 77 \\ [[Broken (Combat)]] 98 \\ [[Buddy]] 31 \\ ===== C ===== [[Calling PVP]] 32 \\ [[Calm Breather (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Calming Presence (Talent)]] 75 \\ [[Campaign Framework]] 326 \\ [[Campaign Play]] 19, 217 \\ [[Captain (Spaceship)]] 188 \\ [[Cards]] 22 \\ [[Career]] 27 \\ [[Cargo Runs (Campaign)]] 342 \\ [[Cash]] 161 \\ [[Chance of Success]] 59 \\ [[Charger (Xenomorph)]] 316 \\ [[Chestburster]] 305 \\ [[Cinematic Play]] 19, 215 \\ [[CIWS Laser Array]] 176 \\ [[Close Combat]] 91 \\ [[Close Combat (Skill)]] 66 \\ [[Close Combat Weapons]] 127 \\ [[Colonial Marine (Career)]] 38 \\ [[Colonial Marines]] 16 \\ [[Colonial Marines (Campaign)]] 328 \\ [[Colonial Marshal (Career)]] 40 \\ [[Colonial Marshals]] 165 \\ [[Command (Skill)]] 71 \\ [[Communications]] 162 \\ [[Company Agent (Career)]] 42 \\ [[Compassion (Talent)]] 75 \\ [[Component Damage (Spaceship)]] 197 \\ [[Component Damage (Vehicle)]] 114 \\ [[Compression Suit]] 128 \\ [[Computer Mainframes]] 130 \\ [[Comtech (Skill)]] 69 \\ [[Conestoga Class Frigate]] 186 \\ [[Consumables]] 34 \\ [[Core Components]] 170 \\ [[Counselor (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Countermeasures (Space Combat)]] 196 \\ [[Countermeasures (Spaceship)]] 176 \\ [[Coup de Grâce]] 99 \\ [[Covenant, USCSS]] 15 \\ [[Cover (Combat)]] 96 \\ [[Crawling]] 89 \\ [[Critical Injuries]] 99 \\ [[Critical Injuries (Xenomorphs)]] 290 \\ [[Cunning (Talent)]] 75 \\ [[Currencies]] 161 \\ ===== D ===== [[D3]] 22 \\ [[D66]] 22 \\ [[Daihotai Tractor]] 140 \\ [[Damage]] 98 \\ [[Damage (Weapon)]] 118 \\ [[Data Storage]] 131 \\ [[Death]] 99 \\ [[Death Roll]] 99 \\ [[Dehydrated (Condition)]] 106 \\ [[Detection]] 85 \\ [[Detection (Space Combat)]] 190 \\ [[Diagnostics and Display]] 132 \\ [[Dice]] 22 \\ [[Difficulty (Dice Rolls)]] 63 \\ [[Disease]] 109 \\ [[Displacement Drives]] 150 \\ [[Dodge (Talent)]] 75 \\ [[Dog Catchers]] 237 \\ [[Dreamers]] 163 \\ [[Drinks]] 139 \\ [[Drone (Xenomorph)]] 308 \\ [[Drowning]] 110 \\ [[Drugs]] 137 \\ ===== E ===== [[Earth]] 247 \\ [[Emergency Escape Vehicles]] 173 \\ [[Empathy (Attribute)]] 27 \\ [[Encounters (Campaign)]] 351 \\ [[Encumbrance]] 34 \\ [[Engaged (Range)]] 83 \\ [[Engineer Phase (Space Combat)]] 196 \\ [[Engineer (Spaceship)]] 188 \\ [[Engineers (Species)]] 284 \\ [[Entertainment]] 163 \\ [[EVA Specialist (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Exhausted (Condition)]] 106 \\ [[Expeditions (Campaign)]] 348 \\ [[Experience Points]] 35 \\ [[Explosions]] 108 \\ [[Explosive Decompression]] 107 \\ [[Extreme (Range)]] 83 \\ ===== F ===== [[Facehugger]] 302 \\ [[Failure]] 59 \\ [[Falling]] 108 \\ [[Fast Actions]] 87 \\ [[Fast Reflexes (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Field Commander (Talent)]] 76 \\ [[Field Surgeon (Talent)]] 75 \\ [[Fiorina 161]] 254 \\ [[Fire]] 108 \\ [[Flyweight (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Food]] 139 \\ [[Freezing (Condition)]] 107 \\ [[Frontier Colonists (Campaign)]] 329 \\ [[FTL Rating (Spaceship)]] 167, 170 \\ [[FTL Travel]] 150 \\ [[Full Auto Fire]] 96 \\ [[Full Throttle (Talent)]] 76 \\ ===== G ===== [[Game Mother]] 18, 206 \\ [[Game Principles]] 206 \\ [[Grappling]] 93 \\ [[Group Dice Rolls]] 62 \\ [[Gunner Phase (Space Combat)]] 196 \\ [[Gunner (Spaceship)]] 188 \\ ===== H ===== [[Hadley’s Hope]] 370 \\ [[Hard Hitter (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Harvester (Species)]] 318 \\ [[Healer (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Healing]] 101 \\ [[Health]] 30 \\ [[Heavy Items]] 34 \\ [[Heavy Machinery (Skill)]] 64 \\ [[Heavy Weapons]] 125 \\ [[Helping (Dice Rolls)]] 63 \\ [[Hidden Stash (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Hirsch, Morgan]] 372 \\ [[Hive (Xenomorph)]] 315 \\ [[Holroyd]] 374 \\ [[Hothead (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Hull Damage (Space Combat)]] 197 \\ [[Hull Rating (Spaceship)]] 170 \\ [[Hull (Vehicle)]] 114 \\ ===== I ===== [[Incinerator Unit]] 125 \\ [[Independent Core System Colonies]] 11, 232 \\ [[Influence (Talent)]] 76 \\ [[Initiative]] 87 \\ [[Inquisitive (Talent)]] 77 \\ [[Intensity Rating]] 108 \\ [[Internal Modules]] 170 \\ [[Interstellar Commerce Commission]] 234 \\ [[Investigator (Talent)]] 74 \\ ===== J ===== [[Job Generator]] 341 \\ ===== K ===== [[Key Attribute]] 28 \\ [[Kid (Career)]] 44 \\ [[Killer (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Komiskey, Theodora]] 374 \\ ===== L ===== [[Lasalle Bionational]] 239 \\ [[Law Enforcement]] 165 \\ [[Leasing Ships]] 168 \\ [[Light Eater (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Light Items]] 34 \\ [[Light Sleeper (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Like The Back Of Your Hand (Talent)]] 76 \\ [[Lion Worms (Species)]] 320 \\ [[Long (Range)]] 83 \\ [[Luna]] 248 \\ [[LV-223]] 273 \\ [[LV-426]] 275 \\ ===== M ===== [[M570 Series APC]] 142 \\ [[Machinegunner (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[MacWhirr, Janice]] 372, 373, 374 \\ [[Maintenance (Spaceship)]] 179 \\ [[Major Component Damage]] 197 \\ [[Maneuverability]] 114 \\ [[Manipulation (Skill)]] 70 \\ [[Map Markers]] 86 \\ [[Mars]] 248 \\ [[Media]] 163 \\ [[Medical Aid (Skill)]] 71 \\ [[Medical Supplies]] 136 \\ [[Medic (Career)]] 46 \\ [[Medium (Range)]] 83 \\ [[Menacing (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Merciless (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Military Missions (Campaign)]] 344 \\ [[Minor Component Damage]] 197 \\ [[Mobility (Skill)]] 66 \\ [[Model CM-88G Bison]] 181 \\ [[Model CM-88H Bison]] 182 \\ [[Model CM-90S Corvus]] 180 \\ [[Model CYG-NS3 Star Clipper]] 182 \\ [[Modification]] 62 \\ [[Money]] 161 \\ [[Morozov, Sergei]] 367 \\ [[Motion Trackers]] 86 \\ [[Movement (Combat)]] 89 \\ [[Movement (Space Combat)]] 193 \\ [[MU/TH/UR]] 130 \\ ===== N ===== [[Narcissus]] 183 \\ [[NDD]] 150 \\ [[Negotiating Position]] 71 \\ [[Neomorph]] 293 \\ [[Neroid Sector]] 253 \\ [[Nerves of Steel (Talent)]] 78 \\ [[Neurological Distortion Disorder]] 150 \\ [[New Eden Sector]] 249 \\ [[Nimble (Talent)]] 75 \\ [[Non-Player Characters]] 214 \\ [[Non-Player Characters (Skill Use)]] 62 \\ [[Non-Players Characters (Typical)]] 354 \\ [[Nostromo, USCSS]] 15, 182 \\ [[Novgorod Station]] 358 \\ [[NPCs]] 214 \\ ===== O ===== [[Observation (Skill)]] 68 \\ [[Occupations]] 162 \\ [[Officer (Career)]] 48 \\ [[Opposed Rolls]] 64 \\ [[Orbital Mines]] 176 \\ [[Osterman, Wes]] 374 \\ [[Otaka, Jonathon]] 367 \\ [[Overkill (Talent)]] 74 \\ [[Overwatch Fire]] 97 \\ [[Ovomorph]] 300 \\ ===== P ===== [[Pack Mule (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Panic]] 104 \\ [[Panic Roll]] 104 \\ [[Particle Beam Weapons]] 176 \\ [[Passive Enemy]] 85 \\ [[Past the Limit (Talent)]] 74 \\ [[Pauling Medpod]] 136 \\ [[Permanent Mental Trauma]] 101, 104 \\ [[Personal Agenda]] 31, 213 \\ [[Personal Safety (Talent)]] 75 \\ [[Pilot (Career)]] 50 \\ [[Piloting (Skill)]] 67 \\ [[Pilot Phase (Space Combat)]] 193 \\ [[Pilot (Spaceship)]] 188 \\ [[Pistols]] 119 \\ [[Player Character (PC)]] 18 \\ [[Player Versus Player]] 32, 213 \\ [[Power Loader]] 128 \\ [[Praetorian (Xenomorph)]] 312 \\ [[Prometheus, USCSS]] 14 \\ [[Pull Rank (Talent)]] 76 \\ [[Pulse Rifle]] 121 \\ [[Pushing Dice Rolls]] 60 \\ ===== Q ===== [[Queen (Xenomorph)]] 312 \\ [[Quick Draw (Talent)]] 79 \\ ===== R ===== [[Radiation]] 110 \\ [[Railguns]] 176 \\ [[Range Categories]] 83 \\ [[Range Categories (Space Combat)]] 189 \\ [[Ranged Combat]] 94 \\ [[Ranged Combat (Skill)]] 67 \\ [[Rapid Fire (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Rapid Reload (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Reactor Overload (Space Combat)]] 196 \\ [[Reckless (Talent)]] 76 \\ [[Reduced Signature]] 190 \\ [[Relieving Stress]] 104 \\ [[Religion]] 164 \\ [[Repairs (Spaceship)]] 200 \\ [[Repairs (Vehicle)]] 115 \\ [[Resilient (Talent)]] 76 \\ [[Retreating (Combat)]] 93 \\ [[Retro Futurism]] 210 \\ [[Rewards]] 217 \\ [[Rifles]] 121 \\ [[Rival]] 31 \\ [[Roughneck (Career)]] 52 \\ [[Rounds]] 83 \\ [[Royal Jelly (Xenomorph)]] 317 \\ [[Runner (Xenomorph)]] 312 \\ [[Running]] 89 \\ [[Running Silent (Space Combat)]] 190 \\ ===== S ===== [[Salaries]] 162 \\ [[Scientist (Career)]] 54 \\ [[Sci-Fi Action]] 20, 209 \\ [[Scout (Xenomorph)]] 308 \\ [[Second Wind (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Sector 117]] 279 \\ [[Sector 3847]] 252 \\ [[Seegson]] 241 \\ [[Sense of Wonder]] 20, 209 \\ [[Sensor Decoys]] 176 \\ [[Sensor Drones]] 176 \\ [[Sensor Operator (Spaceship)]] 188 \\ [[Sensor Phase (Space Combat)]] 191 \\ [[Sentry (Xenomorph)]] 310 \\ [[Shifts]] 83 \\ [[Ship Classes]] 166 \\ [[Short (Range)]] 83 \\ [[Shoving (Combat)]] 93 \\ [[Sigg, Sonny]] 373 \\ [[Signature Attacks (Xenomorphs)]] 291 \\ [[Signature Item]] 33 \\ [[Singleton, Hannah]] 373 \\ [[Size (Planet)]] 331 \\ [[Skills]] 57 \\ [[Slow Actions]] 87 \\ [[Sneak Attacks]] 90 \\ [[Soldier (Xenomorph)]] 310 \\ [[Sol Sector]] 247 \\ [[Space Combat]] 188 \\ [[Space Combat Map]] 188 \\ [[Space Horror]] 20, 208 \\ [[Spaceship Commander (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Spaceship Gunner (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Spaceship Mechanic (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Space Truckers (Campaign)]] 327 \\ [[Spare Parts (Spaceship)]] 200 \\ [[Speed (Vehicle)]] 114 \\ [[Speed (Xenomorphs)]] 112, 291 \\ [[Stalker (Xenomorph)]] 308 \\ [[Stamina (Skill)]] 65 \\ [[Starcub Class Shuttle]] 183 \\ [[Star Systems (Creating)]] 330 \\ [[Starving (Condition)]] 106 \\ [[Stealth Mode]] 85 \\ [[Stealthy (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Stoic (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Story Points]] 31, 61 \\ [[Strength (Attribute)]] 27 \\ [[Stress Dice]] 22, 103 \\ [[Stress Level]] 61, 103 \\ [[Stunts (Skill Use)]] 64 \\ [[Subdue (Talent)]] 74 \\ [[Suffocation]] 110 \\ [[Sulaco, USS]] 186 \\ [[Supply Rating]] 34 \\ [[Survival (Skill)]] 70 \\ [[Svenson, Dr Alicia]] 367 \\ [[Swarm (Species)]] 316 \\ [[Synthetics]] 111 \\ ===== T ===== [[Tactical Nukes]] 176 \\ [[Take Control (Talent)]] 75 \\ [[Talents]] 73 \\ [[Tanakan Scorpionids (Species)]] 318 \\ [[Tannen's Casino]] 381 \\ [[Tartarus Sector]] 262 \\ [[Temperature (Planet)]] 333 \\ [[Terraforming]] 158 \\ [[Terrain (Planet)]] 335 \\ [[The Core Systems]] 152, 248 \\ [[The Far Reach]] 152 \\ [[The Frontier]] 152, 266 \\ [[The Long Haul (Talent)]] 76 \\ [[Themes]] 208 \\ [[The Outer Rim]] 152, 259 \\ [[The Outer Veil]] 152, 252 \\ [[Three World Empire]] 11, 223 \\ [[Thrusters Rating (Spaceship)]] 170 \\ [[Tiny Items]] 34 \\ [[Tools]] 135 \\ [[Tough (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Transponders]] 190 \\ [[True Grit (Talent)]] 76 \\ [[Turns]] 83 \\ ===== U ===== [[UD-4L Cheyenne VTOL Dropship]] 144 \\ [[Union of Progressive Peoples]] 11, 229 \\ [[United Americas]] 11, 226 \\ [[United States Colonial Marine Corps]] 165, 227 \\ [[Upgrades (Spaceship)]] 178 \\ [[USCMC]] 227 \\ ===== V ===== [[Vacuum]] 107 \\ [[Vehicle Combat]] 113 \\ [[Vehicles (Gear)]] 140 \\ [[Vehicle Weapons]] 147 \\ [[Virulence Rating]] 109 \\ [[Vision Devices]] 134 \\ ===== W ===== [[Warrior (Xenomorph)]] 310 \\ [[Watchful (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Weapon Specialist (Talent)]] 79 \\ [[Weapons (Personal)]] 118 \\ [[Weapon Systems (Spaceships)]] 176 \\ [[Weyland NR-9 ATV]] 141 \\ [[Weyland, Peter]] 14 \\ [[Weyland-Yutani Corporation]] 236 \\ [[Wits (Attribute)]] 27 \\ [[Worker (Xenomorph)]] 310 \\ [[Working Joe Synthetics]] 243 \\ ===== X ====== [[Xenomorphs]] 290 \\ [[Xenomorphs (In Combat)]] 112 \\ [[Xenomorph XX121]] 297 \\ [[XP]] 35 \\ ===== Y ===== ===== Z ===== [[Zones (Combat)]] 82 \\